This better be working

I'm counting on you, gays...

So much for my diet. Part 2.

I'm turning into someone i used to despise...

So much for my diet.

New Toy

New procrastinating tools at the office, a TV and a Nintendo Wii....
Ignore the "What Bosses Want" book, will ya? :))

Happy Birthday, Made Indar Mahardian!!

Most people used to blog something special, something big on their birthday. I'll just post this video. Made Indar Mahardian is now officialy 26 years old :)

Hello, my name is Made and I'm a pedalholic

Yes I have an unhealthy obsession with pedals and stompboxes. My obsession has trashed my sanity, my wallet, but most importantly my playing time. Tweak, tweak, tweak. Align, realign....arrange, rearrange....on and on. It never ends.

Currently i'm setting my eyes on these ladies:

1. Line 6 DL-4, this baby can create any type of delay imaginable. And it also has a loop sampler, in which you can slow down, speed up, or reverse the 14 seconds of loop time. It has more delays type, and easier to use than Boss DD-20. Expensive, though... :(

2. Eventide Space reverb pedal, i absolutely want this mainly because of the Blackhole preset. Its like the best reverb sound i've ever heard in my life. I know I sounded a bit exaggerating, but hell yeah its true. You can search for it in Youtube, and be blown away. And yes, its pretty expensive too, and I'm not sure if it is available here though. :(

And here is my current pedalbag (not pedalboard, ha ha ha). Dont mind the messy cables, please... :p

I need to replace that Behringer Reverb soon, it sucks my guitar tone big time. And maybe its about time I need a pedalboard, though i dont really fancy it, since i would be having trouble carrying it everywhere.

In reality, I need to simplify things and get back to playing for the pure joy of actually playing. Discovering the guitar again and playing for the real reason I started at the first place: the pure joy of playing guitar.

Like Knives

This is me covering City & Color's song "Like Knives". I love this song, its truly heart breaking and full of emotion.

The Rain Was Once A Cloud

They look like tears... My tears...

Enjoy Your Ride

One of the most favorite rides at Dunia Fantasi Ancol. This one is called Tornado, a sickening ride that whizzles and whuzzles you around on a serious height. I honestly dont have the guts to hop in =))

Dolls-a-roll Pt.2

i wanted the one that looks like a cute bee kid... too bad i was just too lazy to buy some coins and play... #meh


A doll cabinet at my friend's room. Despite the creepy atmosphere, i found it awesome.  I dont like dolls, but these girls are exceptions, i guess.

End Of The World

From the rooftop of my office. This one looks like its taken out from a sci-fi/apocalyptic movie :D

Mini Jakarta


The King of Limbs

I'm taking an hour to listen to the new Radiohead Album.  I'm about half way through and don't have any strong opinions just yet.  I guess that says a lot in and of itself.
Actually, now that I look at the larger image, it's not as bad.  As a thumbnail it looks a little.... um... terrible.  But you shouldnt take my design taste too seriously hehehe.
Well, after listening to the 8 songs, I think my disappointment can't be fairly easily understood.  I keep hoping that their next album will involved a lot more orchestration by Mr. Greenwood.  I adore the work he did on "There Will Be Blood", and I keep hoping that more of that will creep into Radiohead's music.  But yes, I'm being a little unfair, since that is not what they do.  But they really got my hopes up after releasing "Harry Patch (In Memory Of)" a few years ago, I really thought they were going to move in that direction.  There are some really nice moments on this album though.  Lotus Flower and Codex are some highlights.  Thanks for reading.

The Beautiful Sky of Jakarta

Thank God, i have my camera with me this afternoon. Took this photo from the window of my office. Stunning.

Who The F**k Is Arcade Fire?

So... Arcade Fire won a Grammy the other night.  It's got the Twitter all a-buzz with anger.  Apparently no one knows who they are.  Someone started collecting these tweets and made a Tumblr.  Enjoy:

The City Where I Sleep, The City Where I Weep

"I’m waiting in line to get to where you are, hope floats up high along the way.  I forget Jakarta, all the friendly faces in disguise. This time, I’m closing down this fairytale"
~ Adhitia Sofyan - Forget Jakarta

Took this photo from the rooftop of my office this afternoon. Quite a scenery, isn't it?