The King of Limbs

I'm taking an hour to listen to the new Radiohead Album.  I'm about half way through and don't have any strong opinions just yet.  I guess that says a lot in and of itself.
Actually, now that I look at the larger image, it's not as bad.  As a thumbnail it looks a little.... um... terrible.  But you shouldnt take my design taste too seriously hehehe.
Well, after listening to the 8 songs, I think my disappointment can't be fairly easily understood.  I keep hoping that their next album will involved a lot more orchestration by Mr. Greenwood.  I adore the work he did on "There Will Be Blood", and I keep hoping that more of that will creep into Radiohead's music.  But yes, I'm being a little unfair, since that is not what they do.  But they really got my hopes up after releasing "Harry Patch (In Memory Of)" a few years ago, I really thought they were going to move in that direction.  There are some really nice moments on this album though.  Lotus Flower and Codex are some highlights.  Thanks for reading.


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